HomeEquity refers to proportional representation (by race, class, gender, etc.) of opportunities in housing, healthcare, employment, and all indicators of living a healthy life. When talking about equity, it is helpful to distinguish it from equality. Equality is typically defined as treating everyone the same and giving everyone access to the same opportunities. Equity is about fairness; it ensures that each person gets what they need. To achieve equity, policies and procedures may result in an unequal distribution of resources, but will lead to equitable outcomes for all. The resources below include information and tools to help communities ensure they are integrating equity into all conversations and practices generally and during their COVID-19 response.
Strategic Funding and Grants Management
Operations and Best Practices
- HUD Resource: Guidance for PHAs and Owners of Federally-Assisted Housing on Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: 5 Tips to Approaching Rehousing with Racial Equity
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Advancing Racial Equity Through Assessments and Prioritization
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Creating a Cultural Equity Plan: Organizational Policies and Procedures
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Data & Equity: Using the Data You Have
Spanish Version: Datos y equidad: uso de los datos que posee
- HUD Exchange Resource: Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program Webinar: Strategy for Targeting EHVs and Related Resources
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Engaging Individuals with Lived Expertise
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Equity-Driven Changes to Coordinated Entry Prioritization
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Equity Capacity Building—Hiring, Supervision, Training
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Equity Series Part I—Racial Equity and Vaccine Distribution
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Equity Series Part II—Understanding Nuances of Health Disparities and Cultural Barriers within Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Equity Series Part III—Understanding the Fear of Undocumented Immigrants in Accessing Health Care Services
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Equity Series Part IV—Discrimination Faced by LGBTQ+ Persons in Accessing Quality Health Care
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Guidance for Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining People With Lived Experience and Expertise of Homelessness
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Increasing Equity in the Homeless Response System Through Expanding Procurement
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Non-HMIS Data
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Part 1: Equity as the Foundation
Spanish Version: Parte 1: La Equidad Como Fundamento
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Paying People with Lived Experience and Expertise
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Prevention to Promote Equity
Spanish Version: Prevención para promover la equidad
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Project Funding and Structure Brief: Master Leasing
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Racial Trauma and Trauma-Informed Services
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Special Population Rehousing Strategy—People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Staff Orientation to Racial Equity
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Untapped Expertise: Strategies for Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement When Developing Your Coordinated Investment Plan
- HUD Exchange TA Resource: Video—Lived Expertise
Partner Resources
Community Examples